Tuesday, 22 January 2013

Tocamos el mundo!

On this beautiful, Blue Monday, it is just about right to write something about last week to cheer us up. So, last week we've (meaning: Concejalía de Juventud, Ayuntamiento de Villanueva de la Serena) launched our project for high school lads, called "Tocar el mundo". Yay!!!

So what is it all about? 

Well, we have invited all EVS volunteers from ASERMUN, who live in Extremadura (Villanueva, Cabeza del Buey, Castuera), to come to schools and give a little presentation on their country. That was quite a journey!

First stop: Poland. Although at first I was a little bit nervous, I managed to do my presentation without visible shaking. Together with my students, we travelled from A to Z through Poland (where J was Jazz, M was Masurian lakes and O was Opener Festival... well, I tried to be up to date) and then we draw a poster inviting tourists to Poland. My students were great and very, very talented :)

Second stop: France. Chloé made students fight hard for their poins in the competition about France (especially singing French song and introducing choreography was a challege!).

Third stop: England. Rachael talked about English breakfast, rain and other stereotypes; she tried to answer all diffucult questions about English economy and alcohol-drinking limits.

Fourth stop: Germany and Sweden. Lukas and Gabriel's dreamteam introduced a lot of information about their countries, alongside with a "regional touch" about their hometowns! They also spent quite a lot of time answering students' questions and didn't seem tired of it :)

We also had some nice publicity: they wrote about us on the website of Ayuntamiento and in the biggest newspaper in Extremadura - Hoy. Yay, guys, we are famous! (And as usual - I owe you big time.)

So, we travelled quite a lot las week with students of Instituto Pedro de Valdivia... Next journey - in Feburary, with the students of San José!